Children’s Dentistry

Children’s Dentistry Services

Going to the dentist can be a fun experience. Here at New England Dental, we strive to make your child’s dentist visit a smooth and calming one.

Healthy Oral Hygiene Habits

It Is vital for kids to pick up healthy oral hygiene habits from as early as possible. We make their trips to the dentist something to look forward to and can help establish these good habits. We will not extract teeth that can be saved by root canal therapy and can offer sedation to calm children’s nerves. Our children’s dentistry includes the following:

  • General check-ups
  • Root canal therapy
  • Tooth coloured fillings 
  • X-rays
  • Mouth guards
  • Maxillofacial; jaw and bone issues
  • Emergency children’s dental services

Easy and Calming Experience

We understand that most kids do not always look forward to their check-ups and visits to the dentist. Therefore, we have made our clinic a warm and friendly one that your little ones will feel comfortable in. We offer various anaesthetics and happy gas (nitrous oxide) for particularly nervous children. There are no lingering side effects for these either.

Non-Extraction Philosophy

We believe that if a tooth can be saved through root canal therapy, it will not be extracted. However, for those teeth that cannot be saved and must be extracted, our oral surgeon has years of practice when it comes to extractions and oral surgery.

Healthy habits taught to children at a young age can reduce the chances of extraction being necessary where possible.

Call our friendly staff today to book your child’s next appointment

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